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Take a chance on your professional life. Don't let obstacles get in your way.
In our professional careers and personal life we will always face roadblocks but our skill is to be able to overcome them and move on. This blog is in the words of a colleague and friend, Linda Manaena, who decided to knock down the obstacles in her way and start on a new path. It was a huge turnaround for her but has paid dividends. Read her (short) story and take inspiration from her risk taking.
Ingrid Harrison
2 years agoYou are in control of your destiny. Choose your own path
"Seven years ago I created my own celebratory day called 'Lindapendence Day'.
I had wanted to become a leadership specialist and coach for many years but I was getting in my own way.
Fair to say that although I had a fantastic leadership role and contributed to the significant growth of a company for many years, I had often experienced a bit of imposter syndrome.
My internal narrative was 'I'm a girl from a rough and tough suburb who left school at 15 and now I'm doing this important job. I'm not sure how I got here and I wonder when I'll be found out!'
Funny how we can tell ourselves these crappy stories. When our 'shitty committee' kicks in, it can stop us being who we want to be.
Anyway I decided to silence that committee and believe in myself.
On 3 July 2015, I stopped blocking my own door. I said farewell to the things that I no longer needed, welcomed in what I wanted instead, and voila, I declared it Lindapendence Day.
Every year on July 3, I reflect and recalibrate so I continue to consciously choose the path I want to take professionally and personally.
If you're blocking your own doorway, I encourge you to make a choice to get out of your own way. And choose to not let others block your flow either."